Below is a list of proposed events to be included in the 2020 HH Championships. Your position relative to other club members in each event is recorded. Your four best positions are what count -but one event must be in Group A, one in Group B and two in Group C. It is possible to just do four relevant events to qualify, but ,the more events you do, the greater the chances of glory. In the event of overall ties, there will be a count back to positions outside the best four.
GROUP A - Cross Country League Races
Presteigne                                 2nd February       Sunday
Shobdon                                    July                      Wednesday
Croft Castle                                November            Sunday
GROUP B -  HH Club Runs 
Swan Loop/ Offa's Dyke Path      April                     Thursday 
Magic Roundabout route              May                     Thursday
Hay 5K route                                September           Thursday
GROUP C -Other Races
Kington 8 Peaks                          29th March            Sunday
Brecon AC 5                                June                      Tuesday
Dorstone Dawdle                         July                        Sunday
Llanigon Show                             August                   Saturday
Huntington Chase                        September            Saturday
Crickhowell Trail Race                 25th October         Sunday
The list may have to be tweaked as the year unfolds e.g there may be a XC league race on 25th October and the Trail Race may have to be replaced by the much loved  "3 laps of The Begwyns".
Finally, there will be 8 awards - top 3 Males, top 3 Females and the two age adjusted awards.
  • DATE: 2024-11-06 19:56